Why does it have the head of a Camarasaurus
Why does it have the head of a Camarasaurus
I need to know the original image
Edit: I owe you my life
Ikea is basically heaven as well as purgatory at the exact same time, there is no middle ground
Hug the blahja, cherish the blahja
I must get the bear, I already have blahja and the snek
My son
I have the big blahja, he is now my son, he helps me recovering from accidently seeing doctor who clips on YouTube shorts
Surely a Sam momment
That creature made me understand why we left the water
I'm a dragon that likes to make random videos on YouTube and comment on literally every site I can get my sharp little claws on.
Reptilian badass
Isla nublar
Looks to the moon
Joined on 3/8/24